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Type aliases



Type aliases


Bracket: { __typename?: "Bracket"; bucket: Scalars["Float"]; max: Scalars["Float"]; min: Scalars["Float"]; type?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]> }

A bracket description for a given raid zone. Brackets have a minimum value, maximum value, and a bucket that can be used to establish all of the possible brackets. The type field indicates what the brackets represent, e.g., item levels or game patches, etc.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "Bracket"
  • bucket: Scalars["Float"]

    A float representing the value to increment when moving from bracket 1 to bracket N, etc.

  • max: Scalars["Float"]

    An integer representing the value used by bracket N when there are a total of N brackets, etc.

  • min: Scalars["Float"]

    An integer representing the minimum value used by bracket number 1, etc.

  • Optional type?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>

    The localized name of the bracket type.


Character: { __typename?: "Character"; canonicalID: Scalars["Int"]; classID: Scalars["Int"]; encounterRankings?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]>; faction: GameFaction; gameData?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]>; guildRank: Scalars["Int"]; guilds?: Maybe<Maybe<Guild>[]>; hidden: Scalars["Boolean"]; id: Scalars["Int"]; level: Scalars["Int"]; name: Scalars["String"]; recentReports?: Maybe<ReportPagination>; server: Server; zoneRankings?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]> }

A player character. Characters can earn individual rankings and appear in reports.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "Character"
  • canonicalID: Scalars["Int"]

    The canonical ID of the character. If a character renames or transfers, then the canonical id can be used to identify the most recent version of the character.

  • classID: Scalars["Int"]

    The class id of the character.

  • Optional encounterRankings?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]>

    Encounter rankings information for a character, filterable to specific zones, bosses, metrics, etc. This data is not considered frozen, and it can change without notice. Use at your own risk.

  • faction: GameFaction

    The faction of the character.

  • Optional gameData?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]>

    Cached game data such as gear for the character. This data was fetched from the appropriate source (Blizzard APIs for WoW, Lodestone for FF). This call will only return a cached copy of the data if it exists already. It will not go out to Blizzard or Lodestone to fetch a new copy.

  • guildRank: Scalars["Int"]

    The guild rank of the character in their primary guild. This is not the user rank on the site, but the rank according to the game data, e.g., a Warcraft guild rank or an FFXIV Free Company rank.

  • Optional guilds?: Maybe<Maybe<Guild>[]>

    All guilds that the character belongs to.

  • hidden: Scalars["Boolean"]

    Whether or not the character has all its rankings hidden.

  • id: Scalars["Int"]

    The ID of the character.

  • level: Scalars["Int"]

    The level of the character.

  • name: Scalars["String"]

    The name of the character.

  • Optional recentReports?: Maybe<ReportPagination>

    Recent reports for the character.

  • server: Server

    The server that the character belongs to.

  • Optional zoneRankings?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]>

    Rankings information for a character, filterable to specific zones, bosses, metrics, etc. This data is not considered frozen, and it can change without notice. Use at your own risk.


CharacterData: { __typename?: "CharacterData"; character?: Maybe<Character>; characters?: Maybe<CharacterPagination> }

The CharacterData object enables the retrieval of single characters or filtered collections of characters.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "CharacterData"
  • Optional character?: Maybe<Character>

    Obtain a specific character either by id or by name/server_slug/server_region.

  • Optional characters?: Maybe<CharacterPagination>

    A collection of characters for a specific guild.


CharacterDataCharacterArgs: { id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; serverRegion?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; serverSlug?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]> }

The CharacterData object enables the retrieval of single characters or filtered collections of characters.

Type declaration


CharacterDataCharactersArgs: { guildID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; limit?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; page?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The CharacterData object enables the retrieval of single characters or filtered collections of characters.

Type declaration


CharacterEncounterRankingsArgs: { byBracket?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; compare?: Maybe<RankingCompareType>; difficulty?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; encounterID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; includeCombatantInfo?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; includePrivateLogs?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; metric?: Maybe<CharacterRankingMetricType>; partition?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; role?: Maybe<RoleType>; size?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; specName?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; timeframe?: Maybe<RankingTimeframeType> }

A player character. Characters can earn individual rankings and appear in reports.

Type declaration


CharacterGameDataArgs: { specID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

A player character. Characters can earn individual rankings and appear in reports.

Type declaration


CharacterPagination: { __typename?: "CharacterPagination"; current_page: Scalars["Int"]; data?: Maybe<Maybe<Character>[]>; from?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; has_more_pages: Scalars["Boolean"]; last_page: Scalars["Int"]; per_page: Scalars["Int"]; to?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; total: Scalars["Int"] }

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "CharacterPagination"
  • current_page: Scalars["Int"]

    Current page of the cursor

  • Optional data?: Maybe<Maybe<Character>[]>

    List of items on the current page

  • Optional from?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    Number of the first item returned

  • has_more_pages: Scalars["Boolean"]

    Determines if cursor has more pages after the current page

  • last_page: Scalars["Int"]

    The last page (number of pages)

  • per_page: Scalars["Int"]

    Number of items returned per page

  • Optional to?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    Number of the last item returned

  • total: Scalars["Int"]

    Number of total items selected by the query


CharacterRecentReportsArgs: { limit?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; page?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

A player character. Characters can earn individual rankings and appear in reports.

Type declaration


CharacterZoneRankingsArgs: { byBracket?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; compare?: Maybe<RankingCompareType>; difficulty?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; includePrivateLogs?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; metric?: Maybe<CharacterRankingMetricType>; partition?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; role?: Maybe<RoleType>; size?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; specName?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; timeframe?: Maybe<RankingTimeframeType>; zoneID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

A player character. Characters can earn individual rankings and appear in reports.

Type declaration


Difficulty: { __typename?: "Difficulty"; id: Scalars["Int"]; name: Scalars["String"]; sizes?: Maybe<Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>[]> }

A single difficulty for a given raid zone. Difficulties have an integer value representing the actual difficulty, a localized name that describes the difficulty level, and a list of valid sizes for the difficulty level.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "Difficulty"
  • id: Scalars["Int"]

    An integer representing a specific difficulty level within a zone. For example, in World of Warcraft, this could be Mythic. In FF, it could be Savage, etc.

  • name: Scalars["String"]

    The localized name for the difficulty level.

  • Optional sizes?: Maybe<Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>[]>

    A list of supported sizes for the difficulty level. An empty result means that the difficulty level has a flexible raid size.


Encounter: { __typename?: "Encounter"; characterRankings?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]>; fightRankings?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]>; id: Scalars["Int"]; journalID: Scalars["Int"]; name: Scalars["String"]; zone: Zone }

A single encounter for the game.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "Encounter"
  • Optional characterRankings?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]>

    Player rankings information for a zone. This data is not considered frozen, and it can change without notice. Use at your own risk.

  • Optional fightRankings?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]>

    Fight rankings information for a zone. This data is not considered frozen, and it can change without notice. Use at your own risk.

  • id: Scalars["Int"]

    The ID of the encounter.

  • journalID: Scalars["Int"]

    The Blizzard journal ID, used as the identifier in the encounter journal and various Blizzard APIs like progression.

  • name: Scalars["String"]

    The localized name of the encounter.

  • zone: Zone

    The zone that this encounter is found in.


EncounterCharacterRankingsArgs: { bracket?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; className?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; covenantID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; difficulty?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; filter?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; includeCombatantInfo?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; metric?: Maybe<CharacterRankingMetricType>; page?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; partition?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; serverRegion?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; serverSlug?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; size?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; soulbindID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; specName?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]> }

A single encounter for the game.

Type declaration


EncounterFightRankingsArgs: { bracket?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; difficulty?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; filter?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; metric?: Maybe<FightRankingMetricType>; page?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; partition?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; serverRegion?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; serverSlug?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; size?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

A single encounter for the game.

Type declaration


Exact<T>: {[ K in keyof T]: T[K] }

Type parameters

  • T: {}


Expansion: { __typename?: "Expansion"; id: Scalars["Int"]; name: Scalars["String"]; zones?: Maybe<Maybe<Zone>[]> }

A single expansion for the game.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "Expansion"
  • id: Scalars["Int"]

    The ID of the expansion.

  • name: Scalars["String"]

    The localized name of the expansion.

  • Optional zones?: Maybe<Maybe<Zone>[]>

    The zones (e.g., raids and dungeons) supported for this expansion.


GameAbility: { __typename?: "GameAbility"; icon?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; id: Scalars["Int"]; name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]> }

A single ability for the game.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "GameAbility"
  • Optional icon?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>

    The icon for the ability.

  • id: Scalars["Int"]

    The ID of the ability.

  • Optional name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>

    The localized name of the ability. Will be null if no localization information exists for the ability.


GameAbilityPagination: { __typename?: "GameAbilityPagination"; current_page: Scalars["Int"]; data?: Maybe<Maybe<GameAbility>[]>; from?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; has_more_pages: Scalars["Boolean"]; last_page: Scalars["Int"]; per_page: Scalars["Int"]; to?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; total: Scalars["Int"] }

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "GameAbilityPagination"
  • current_page: Scalars["Int"]

    Current page of the cursor

  • Optional data?: Maybe<Maybe<GameAbility>[]>

    List of items on the current page

  • Optional from?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    Number of the first item returned

  • has_more_pages: Scalars["Boolean"]

    Determines if cursor has more pages after the current page

  • last_page: Scalars["Int"]

    The last page (number of pages)

  • per_page: Scalars["Int"]

    Number of items returned per page

  • Optional to?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    Number of the last item returned

  • total: Scalars["Int"]

    Number of total items selected by the query


GameAchievement: { __typename?: "GameAchievement"; icon?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; id: Scalars["Int"]; name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]> }

A single achievement for the game.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "GameAchievement"
  • Optional icon?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>

    The icon for the achievement.

  • id: Scalars["Int"]

    The ID of the achievement.

  • Optional name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>

    The localized name of the achievement. Will be null if no localization information exists for the achievement.


GameAchievementPagination: { __typename?: "GameAchievementPagination"; current_page: Scalars["Int"]; data?: Maybe<Maybe<GameAchievement>[]>; from?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; has_more_pages: Scalars["Boolean"]; last_page: Scalars["Int"]; per_page: Scalars["Int"]; to?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; total: Scalars["Int"] }

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "GameAchievementPagination"
  • current_page: Scalars["Int"]

    Current page of the cursor

  • Optional data?: Maybe<Maybe<GameAchievement>[]>

    List of items on the current page

  • Optional from?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    Number of the first item returned

  • has_more_pages: Scalars["Boolean"]

    Determines if cursor has more pages after the current page

  • last_page: Scalars["Int"]

    The last page (number of pages)

  • per_page: Scalars["Int"]

    Number of items returned per page

  • Optional to?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    Number of the last item returned

  • total: Scalars["Int"]

    Number of total items selected by the query


GameAffix: { __typename?: "GameAffix"; icon?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; id: Scalars["Int"]; name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]> }

A single affix for Mythic Keystone dungeons.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "GameAffix"
  • Optional icon?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>

    The icon for the affix.

  • id: Scalars["Int"]

    The ID of the affix.

  • Optional name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>

    The localized name of the affix. Will be null if no localization information exists for the affix.


GameClass: { __typename?: "GameClass"; id: Scalars["Int"]; name: Scalars["String"]; slug: Scalars["String"]; specs?: Maybe<Maybe<Spec>[]> }

A single player class for the game.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "GameClass"
  • id: Scalars["Int"]

    An integer used to identify the class.

  • name: Scalars["String"]

    The localized name of the class.

  • slug: Scalars["String"]

    A slug used to identify the class.

  • Optional specs?: Maybe<Maybe<Spec>[]>

    The specs supported by the class.


GameData: { __typename?: "GameData"; abilities?: Maybe<GameAbilityPagination>; ability?: Maybe<GameAbility>; achievement?: Maybe<GameAchievement>; achievements?: Maybe<GameAchievementPagination>; affix?: Maybe<GameAffix>; affixes?: Maybe<Maybe<GameAffix>[]>; class?: Maybe<GameClass>; classes?: Maybe<Maybe<GameClass>[]>; enchant?: Maybe<GameEnchant>; enchants?: Maybe<GameEnchantPagination>; factions?: Maybe<Maybe<GameFaction>[]>; item?: Maybe<GameItem>; items?: Maybe<GameItemPagination>; map?: Maybe<GameMap>; maps?: Maybe<GameMapPagination>; npc?: Maybe<GameNpc>; npcs?: Maybe<GameNpcPagination>; zone?: Maybe<GameZone>; zones?: Maybe<GameZonePagination> }

The game object contains collections of data such as NPCs, classes, abilities, items, maps, etc. Game data only changes when major game patches are released, so you should cache results for as long as possible and only update when new content is released for the game.

Type declaration


GameDataAbilitiesArgs: { limit?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; page?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The game object contains collections of data such as NPCs, classes, abilities, items, maps, etc. Game data only changes when major game patches are released, so you should cache results for as long as possible and only update when new content is released for the game.

Type declaration


GameDataAbilityArgs: { id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The game object contains collections of data such as NPCs, classes, abilities, items, maps, etc. Game data only changes when major game patches are released, so you should cache results for as long as possible and only update when new content is released for the game.

Type declaration


GameDataAchievementArgs: { id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The game object contains collections of data such as NPCs, classes, abilities, items, maps, etc. Game data only changes when major game patches are released, so you should cache results for as long as possible and only update when new content is released for the game.

Type declaration


GameDataAchievementsArgs: { limit?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; page?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The game object contains collections of data such as NPCs, classes, abilities, items, maps, etc. Game data only changes when major game patches are released, so you should cache results for as long as possible and only update when new content is released for the game.

Type declaration


GameDataAffixArgs: { id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The game object contains collections of data such as NPCs, classes, abilities, items, maps, etc. Game data only changes when major game patches are released, so you should cache results for as long as possible and only update when new content is released for the game.

Type declaration


GameDataClassArgs: { faction_id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; zone_id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The game object contains collections of data such as NPCs, classes, abilities, items, maps, etc. Game data only changes when major game patches are released, so you should cache results for as long as possible and only update when new content is released for the game.

Type declaration


GameDataClassesArgs: { faction_id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; zone_id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The game object contains collections of data such as NPCs, classes, abilities, items, maps, etc. Game data only changes when major game patches are released, so you should cache results for as long as possible and only update when new content is released for the game.

Type declaration


GameDataEnchantArgs: { id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The game object contains collections of data such as NPCs, classes, abilities, items, maps, etc. Game data only changes when major game patches are released, so you should cache results for as long as possible and only update when new content is released for the game.

Type declaration


GameDataEnchantsArgs: { limit?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; page?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The game object contains collections of data such as NPCs, classes, abilities, items, maps, etc. Game data only changes when major game patches are released, so you should cache results for as long as possible and only update when new content is released for the game.

Type declaration


GameDataItemArgs: { id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The game object contains collections of data such as NPCs, classes, abilities, items, maps, etc. Game data only changes when major game patches are released, so you should cache results for as long as possible and only update when new content is released for the game.

Type declaration


GameDataItemsArgs: { limit?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; page?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The game object contains collections of data such as NPCs, classes, abilities, items, maps, etc. Game data only changes when major game patches are released, so you should cache results for as long as possible and only update when new content is released for the game.

Type declaration


GameDataMapArgs: { id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The game object contains collections of data such as NPCs, classes, abilities, items, maps, etc. Game data only changes when major game patches are released, so you should cache results for as long as possible and only update when new content is released for the game.

Type declaration


GameDataMapsArgs: { limit?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; page?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The game object contains collections of data such as NPCs, classes, abilities, items, maps, etc. Game data only changes when major game patches are released, so you should cache results for as long as possible and only update when new content is released for the game.

Type declaration


GameDataNpcArgs: { id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The game object contains collections of data such as NPCs, classes, abilities, items, maps, etc. Game data only changes when major game patches are released, so you should cache results for as long as possible and only update when new content is released for the game.

Type declaration


GameDataNpcsArgs: { limit?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; page?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The game object contains collections of data such as NPCs, classes, abilities, items, maps, etc. Game data only changes when major game patches are released, so you should cache results for as long as possible and only update when new content is released for the game.

Type declaration


GameDataZoneArgs: { id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The game object contains collections of data such as NPCs, classes, abilities, items, maps, etc. Game data only changes when major game patches are released, so you should cache results for as long as possible and only update when new content is released for the game.

Type declaration


GameDataZonesArgs: { limit?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; page?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The game object contains collections of data such as NPCs, classes, abilities, items, maps, etc. Game data only changes when major game patches are released, so you should cache results for as long as possible and only update when new content is released for the game.

Type declaration


GameEnchant: { __typename?: "GameEnchant"; id: Scalars["Int"]; name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]> }

A single enchant for the game.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "GameEnchant"
  • id: Scalars["Int"]

    The ID of the enchant.

  • Optional name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>

    The localized name of the enchant. Will be null if no localization information exists for the enchant.


GameEnchantPagination: { __typename?: "GameEnchantPagination"; current_page: Scalars["Int"]; data?: Maybe<Maybe<GameEnchant>[]>; from?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; has_more_pages: Scalars["Boolean"]; last_page: Scalars["Int"]; per_page: Scalars["Int"]; to?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; total: Scalars["Int"] }

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "GameEnchantPagination"
  • current_page: Scalars["Int"]

    Current page of the cursor

  • Optional data?: Maybe<Maybe<GameEnchant>[]>

    List of items on the current page

  • Optional from?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    Number of the first item returned

  • has_more_pages: Scalars["Boolean"]

    Determines if cursor has more pages after the current page

  • last_page: Scalars["Int"]

    The last page (number of pages)

  • per_page: Scalars["Int"]

    Number of items returned per page

  • Optional to?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    Number of the last item returned

  • total: Scalars["Int"]

    Number of total items selected by the query


GameFaction: { __typename?: "GameFaction"; id: Scalars["Int"]; name: Scalars["String"] }

A faction that a player or guild can belong to. Factions have an integer id used to identify them throughout the API and a localized name describing the faction.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "GameFaction"
  • id: Scalars["Int"]

    An integer representing the faction id.

  • name: Scalars["String"]

    The localized name of the faction.


GameItem: { __typename?: "GameItem"; icon?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; id: Scalars["Int"]; name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]> }

A single item for the game.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "GameItem"
  • Optional icon?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>

    The icon for the item.

  • id: Scalars["Int"]

    The ID of the item.

  • Optional name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>

    The localized name of the item. Will be null if no localization information exists for the item.


GameItemPagination: { __typename?: "GameItemPagination"; current_page: Scalars["Int"]; data?: Maybe<Maybe<GameItem>[]>; from?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; has_more_pages: Scalars["Boolean"]; last_page: Scalars["Int"]; per_page: Scalars["Int"]; to?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; total: Scalars["Int"] }

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "GameItemPagination"
  • current_page: Scalars["Int"]

    Current page of the cursor

  • Optional data?: Maybe<Maybe<GameItem>[]>

    List of items on the current page

  • Optional from?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    Number of the first item returned

  • has_more_pages: Scalars["Boolean"]

    Determines if cursor has more pages after the current page

  • last_page: Scalars["Int"]

    The last page (number of pages)

  • per_page: Scalars["Int"]

    Number of items returned per page

  • Optional to?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    Number of the last item returned

  • total: Scalars["Int"]

    Number of total items selected by the query


GameItemSet: { __typename?: "GameItemSet"; id: Scalars["Int"]; name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]> }

A single item set for the game.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "GameItemSet"
  • id: Scalars["Int"]

    The ID of the item set.

  • Optional name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>

    The localized name of the item set. Will be null if no localization information exists for the item set.


GameMap: { __typename?: "GameMap"; id: Scalars["Int"]; name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]> }

A single map for the game.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "GameMap"
  • id: Scalars["Int"]

    The ID of the map.

  • Optional name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>

    The localized name of the map. Will be null if no localization information exists for the map.


GameMapPagination: { __typename?: "GameMapPagination"; current_page: Scalars["Int"]; data?: Maybe<Maybe<GameMap>[]>; from?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; has_more_pages: Scalars["Boolean"]; last_page: Scalars["Int"]; per_page: Scalars["Int"]; to?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; total: Scalars["Int"] }

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "GameMapPagination"
  • current_page: Scalars["Int"]

    Current page of the cursor

  • Optional data?: Maybe<Maybe<GameMap>[]>

    List of items on the current page

  • Optional from?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    Number of the first item returned

  • has_more_pages: Scalars["Boolean"]

    Determines if cursor has more pages after the current page

  • last_page: Scalars["Int"]

    The last page (number of pages)

  • per_page: Scalars["Int"]

    Number of items returned per page

  • Optional to?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    Number of the last item returned

  • total: Scalars["Int"]

    Number of total items selected by the query


GameNpc: { __typename?: "GameNPC"; id: Scalars["Int"]; name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]> }

A single NPC for the game.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "GameNPC"
  • id: Scalars["Int"]

    The ID of the NPC.

  • Optional name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>

    The localized name of the NPC. Will be null if no localization information exists for the NPC.


GameNpcPagination: { __typename?: "GameNPCPagination"; current_page: Scalars["Int"]; data?: Maybe<Maybe<GameNpc>[]>; from?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; has_more_pages: Scalars["Boolean"]; last_page: Scalars["Int"]; per_page: Scalars["Int"]; to?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; total: Scalars["Int"] }

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "GameNPCPagination"
  • current_page: Scalars["Int"]

    Current page of the cursor

  • Optional data?: Maybe<Maybe<GameNpc>[]>

    List of items on the current page

  • Optional from?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    Number of the first item returned

  • has_more_pages: Scalars["Boolean"]

    Determines if cursor has more pages after the current page

  • last_page: Scalars["Int"]

    The last page (number of pages)

  • per_page: Scalars["Int"]

    Number of items returned per page

  • Optional to?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    Number of the last item returned

  • total: Scalars["Int"]

    Number of total items selected by the query


GameZone: { __typename?: "GameZone"; id: Scalars["Float"]; name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]> }

A single zone for the game.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "GameZone"
  • id: Scalars["Float"]

    The ID of the zone.

  • Optional name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>

    The localized name of the zone. Will be null if no localization information exists for the zone.


GameZonePagination: { __typename?: "GameZonePagination"; current_page: Scalars["Int"]; data?: Maybe<Maybe<GameZone>[]>; from?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; has_more_pages: Scalars["Boolean"]; last_page: Scalars["Int"]; per_page: Scalars["Int"]; to?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; total: Scalars["Int"] }

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "GameZonePagination"
  • current_page: Scalars["Int"]

    Current page of the cursor

  • Optional data?: Maybe<Maybe<GameZone>[]>

    List of items on the current page

  • Optional from?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    Number of the first item returned

  • has_more_pages: Scalars["Boolean"]

    Determines if cursor has more pages after the current page

  • last_page: Scalars["Int"]

    The last page (number of pages)

  • per_page: Scalars["Int"]

    Number of items returned per page

  • Optional to?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    Number of the last item returned

  • total: Scalars["Int"]

    Number of total items selected by the query


GetAbilityQuery: { __typename?: "Query" } & { gameData?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "GameData" } & { ability?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "GameAbility" } & Pick<GameAbility, "id" | "name" | "icon">> }> }


GetAbilityQueryVariables: Exact<{ id: Scalars["Int"] }>


GetAchievementQuery: { __typename?: "Query" } & { gameData?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "GameData" } & { achievement?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "GameAchievement" } & Pick<GameAchievement, "id" | "name" | "icon">> }> }


GetAchievementQueryVariables: Exact<{ id: Scalars["Int"] }>


GetAffixesQuery: { __typename?: "Query" } & { gameData?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "GameData" } & { affixes?: Maybe<Maybe<{ __typename?: "GameAffix" } & Pick<GameAffix, "id" | "name" | "icon">>[]> }> }


GetAffixesQueryVariables: Exact<{}>


GetCharacterEncounterRankingsQuery: { __typename?: "Query" } & { characterData?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "CharacterData" } & { character?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "Character" } & Pick<Character, "id" | "name" | "encounterRankings">> }> }


GetCharacterEncounterRankingsQueryVariables: Exact<{ byBracket?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; characterId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; characterName?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; characterRegion?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; characterServerSlug?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; compare?: Maybe<RankingCompareType>; difficulty?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; encounterId: Scalars["Int"]; includeCombatantInfo?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; includePrivateLogs?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; metric?: Maybe<CharacterRankingMetricType>; partition?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; role?: Maybe<RoleType>; size?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; specName?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; timeframe?: Maybe<RankingTimeframeType> }>


GetCharacterQuery: { __typename?: "Query" } & { characterData?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "CharacterData" } & { character?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "Character" } & MakeOptional<Pick<Character, "id" | "name" | "level" | "classID" | "guildRank" | "hidden" | "gameData">, "gameData"> & { faction: { __typename?: "GameFaction" } & Pick<GameFaction, "id" | "name">; guilds?: Maybe<Maybe<{ __typename?: "Guild" } & Pick<Guild, "id" | "name">>[]>; server?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "Server" } & Pick<Server, "id" | "name"> & { region: { __typename?: "Region" } & Pick<Region, "id" | "name" | "compactName"> }> }> }> }


GetCharacterQueryVariables: Exact<{ characterId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; characterName?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; characterServerRegion?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; characterServerSlug?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; includeGameData: Scalars["Boolean"]; includeGuilds: Scalars["Boolean"]; includeServer: Scalars["Boolean"] }>


GetCharacterZoneRankingsQuery: { __typename?: "Query" } & { characterData?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "CharacterData" } & { character?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "Character" } & Pick<Character, "id" | "name" | "zoneRankings">> }> }


GetCharacterZoneRankingsQueryVariables: Exact<{ byBracket?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; characterId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; characterName?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; characterRegion?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; characterServerSlug?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; compare?: Maybe<RankingCompareType>; difficulty?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; includePrivateLogs?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; metric?: Maybe<CharacterRankingMetricType>; partition?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; role?: Maybe<RoleType>; size?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; specName?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; timeframe?: Maybe<RankingTimeframeType>; zoneId: Scalars["Int"] }>


GetClassesQuery: { __typename?: "Query" } & { gameData?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "GameData" } & { classes?: Maybe<Maybe<{ __typename?: "GameClass" } & Pick<GameClass, "id" | "name" | "slug"> & { specs?: Maybe<Maybe<{ __typename?: "Spec" } & Pick<Spec, "id" | "name" | "slug">>[]> }>[]> }> }


GetClassesQueryVariables: Exact<{}>


GetEnchantQuery: { __typename?: "Query" } & { gameData?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "GameData" } & { enchant?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "GameEnchant" } & Pick<GameEnchant, "id" | "name">> }> }


GetEnchantQueryVariables: Exact<{ id: Scalars["Int"] }>


GetEncounterCharacterRankingsQuery: { __typename?: "Query" } & { worldData?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "WorldData" } & { encounter?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "Encounter" } & Pick<Encounter, "id" | "name" | "characterRankings">> }> }


GetEncounterCharacterRankingsQueryVariables: Exact<{ bracket?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; className?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; difficulty?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; encounterId: Scalars["Int"]; filter?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; includeCombatantInfo?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; metric?: Maybe<CharacterRankingMetricType>; page?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; partition?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; serverRegion?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; serverSlug?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; size?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; specName?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]> }>


GetEncounterFightRankingsQuery: { __typename?: "Query" } & { worldData?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "WorldData" } & { encounter?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "Encounter" } & Pick<Encounter, "id" | "name" | "fightRankings">> }> }


GetEncounterFightRankingsQueryVariables: Exact<{ bracket?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; difficulty?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; encounterId: Scalars["Int"]; filter?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; metric?: Maybe<FightRankingMetricType>; page?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; partition?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; serverRegion?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; serverSlug?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; size?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }>


GetFactionsQuery: { __typename?: "Query" } & { gameData?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "GameData" } & { factions?: Maybe<Maybe<{ __typename?: "GameFaction" } & Pick<GameFaction, "id" | "name">>[]> }> }


GetFactionsQueryVariables: Exact<{}>


GetGuildQuery: { __typename?: "Query" } & { guildData?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "GuildData" } & { guild?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "Guild" } & Pick<Guild, "id" | "name" | "description" | "competitionMode" | "stealthMode"> & { attendance?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "GuildAttendancePagination" } & Pick<GuildAttendancePagination, "current_page" | "from" | "to" | "per_page" | "has_more_pages" | "last_page" | "total"> & { data?: Maybe<Maybe<{ __typename?: "GuildAttendance" } & Pick<GuildAttendance, "code" | "startTime"> & { players?: Maybe<Maybe<{ __typename?: "PlayerAttendance" } & Pick<PlayerAttendance, "name" | "type" | "presence">>[]>; zone?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "Zone" } & Pick<Zone, "id" | "name">> }>[]> }>; faction: { __typename?: "GameFaction" } & Pick<GameFaction, "id" | "name">; members?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "CharacterPagination" } & Pick<CharacterPagination, "current_page" | "from" | "to" | "per_page" | "has_more_pages" | "last_page" | "total"> & { data?: Maybe<Maybe<{ __typename?: "Character" } & Pick<Character, "id" | "name" | "guildRank" | "level" | "classID">>[]> }>; server?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "Server" } & Pick<Server, "id" | "name"> & { region: { __typename?: "Region" } & Pick<Region, "id" | "name" | "compactName"> }>; tags?: Maybe<Maybe<{ __typename?: "GuildTag" } & Pick<GuildTag, "id" | "name">>[]> }> }> }


GetGuildQueryVariables: Exact<{ attendanceGuildTagId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; attendanceLimit?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; attendancePage?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; attendanceZoneId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; guildId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; guildName?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; guildServerRegion?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; guildServerSlug?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; includeAttendance: Scalars["Boolean"]; includeMembers: Scalars["Boolean"]; includeServer: Scalars["Boolean"]; includeTags: Scalars["Boolean"]; membersLimit?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; membersPage?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }>


GetGuildReportsQuery: { __typename?: "Query" } & { reportData?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "ReportData" } & { reports?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "ReportPagination" } & Pick<ReportPagination, "current_page" | "has_more_pages" | "last_page" | "per_page" | "total" | "from" | "to"> & { data?: Maybe<Maybe<{ __typename?: "Report" } & Pick<Report, "code" | "visibility" | "title" | "startTime" | "endTime" | "revision" | "segments" | "exportedSegments"> & { fights?: Maybe<Maybe<{ __typename?: "ReportFight" } & Pick<ReportFight, "id" | "encounterID" | "name" | "difficulty" | "size" | "startTime" | "endTime" | "fightPercentage" | "bossPercentage" | "lastPhase" | "lastPhaseIsIntermission" | "kill" | "averageItemLevel" | "wipeCalledTime" | "completeRaid" | "keystoneAffixes" | "keystoneBonus" | "keystoneLevel" | "keystoneTime" | "rating" | "layer">>[]>; guildTag?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "GuildTag" } & Pick<GuildTag, "id" | "name">>; owner?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "User" } & Pick<User, "id" | "name">>; zone?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "Zone" } & Pick<Zone, "id" | "name">> }>[]> }> }> }


GetGuildReportsQueryVariables: Exact<{ endTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; fightsDifficulty?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; fightsEncounterId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; fightsFightIds?: Maybe<Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>[] | Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>>; fightsKillType?: Maybe<KillType>; fightsTranslate?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; guildId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; guildName?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; guildServerRegion?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; guildServerSlug?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; guildTagId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; includeFights: Scalars["Boolean"]; limit: Scalars["Int"]; page?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; startTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; zoneId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }>


GetItemQuery: { __typename?: "Query" } & { gameData?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "GameData" } & { item?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "GameItem" } & Pick<GameItem, "id" | "name" | "icon">> }> }


GetItemQueryVariables: Exact<{ id: Scalars["Int"] }>


GetNpcQuery: { __typename?: "Query" } & { gameData?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "GameData" } & { npc?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "GameNPC" } & Pick<GameNpc, "id" | "name">> }> }


GetNpcQueryVariables: Exact<{ id: Scalars["Int"] }>


GetProgressRaceQuery: { __typename?: "Query" } & { progressRaceData?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "ProgressRaceData" } & Pick<ProgressRaceData, "progressRace">> }


GetProgressRaceQueryVariables: Exact<{ serverRegion?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; serverSlug?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; zoneId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }>


GetRateLimitQuery: { __typename?: "Query" } & { rateLimitData?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "RateLimitData" } & Pick<RateLimitData, "limitPerHour" | "pointsResetIn" | "pointsSpentThisHour">> }


GetRateLimitQueryVariables: Exact<{}>


GetReportEventsQuery: { __typename?: "Query" } & { reportData?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "ReportData" } & { report?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "Report" } & Pick<Report, "code"> & { events?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "ReportEventPaginator" } & Pick<ReportEventPaginator, "nextPageTimestamp" | "data">> }> }> }


GetReportEventsQueryVariables: Exact<{ abilityId?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; code: Scalars["String"]; dataType?: Maybe<EventDataType>; death?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; difficulty?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; encounterId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; endTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; fightIds?: Maybe<Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>[] | Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>>; filterExpression?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; hostilityType?: Maybe<HostilityType>; includeResources?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; killType?: Maybe<KillType>; limit?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; sourceClass?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; sourceId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; sourceInstanceId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; startTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; targetClass?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; targetId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; targetInstanceId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; translate?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; viewOptions?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; wipeCutoff?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }>


GetReportFightsQuery: { __typename?: "Query" } & { reportData?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "ReportData" } & { report?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "Report" } & Pick<Report, "code"> & { fights?: Maybe<Maybe<{ __typename?: "ReportFight" } & MakeOptional<Pick<ReportFight, "id" | "encounterID" | "name" | "difficulty" | "size" | "startTime" | "endTime" | "fightPercentage" | "bossPercentage" | "lastPhase" | "lastPhaseIsIntermission" | "kill" | "friendlyPlayers" | "enemyPlayers" | "averageItemLevel" | "wipeCalledTime" | "completeRaid" | "keystoneAffixes" | "keystoneBonus" | "keystoneLevel" | "keystoneTime" | "rating" | "layer">, "friendlyPlayers" | "enemyPlayers"> & { dungeonPulls?: Maybe<Maybe<{ __typename?: "ReportDungeonPull" } & Pick<ReportDungeonPull, "id" | "encounterID" | "name" | "startTime" | "endTime" | "kill" | "x" | "y"> & { enemyNPCs?: Maybe<Maybe<{ __typename?: "ReportDungeonPullNPC" } & Pick<ReportDungeonPullNpc, "id" | "gameID" | "minimumInstanceID" | "maximumInstanceID" | "minimumInstanceGroupID" | "maximumInstanceGroupID">>[]>; maps?: Maybe<Maybe<{ __typename?: "ReportMap" } & Pick<ReportMap, "id">>[]> }>[]>; enemyNPCs?: Maybe<Maybe<{ __typename?: "ReportFightNPC" } & Pick<ReportFightNpc, "id" | "gameID" | "instanceCount" | "groupCount">>[]>; friendlyNPCs?: Maybe<Maybe<{ __typename?: "ReportFightNPC" } & Pick<ReportFightNpc, "id" | "gameID" | "instanceCount" | "groupCount">>[]>; gameZone?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "GameZone" } & Pick<GameZone, "id" | "name">>; maps?: Maybe<Maybe<{ __typename?: "ReportMap" } & Pick<ReportMap, "id">>[]> }>[]> }> }> }


GetReportFightsQueryVariables: Exact<{ code: Scalars["String"]; difficulty?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; encounterId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; fightIds?: Maybe<Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>[] | Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>>; includeDungeonPulls: Scalars["Boolean"]; includeNpcs: Scalars["Boolean"]; includePlayers: Scalars["Boolean"]; killType?: Maybe<KillType>; translate?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]> }>


GetReportGraphQuery: { __typename?: "Query" } & { reportData?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "ReportData" } & { report?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "Report" } & Pick<Report, "code" | "graph">> }> }


GetReportGraphQueryVariables: Exact<{ abilityId?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; code: Scalars["String"]; dataType?: Maybe<GraphDataType>; death?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; difficulty?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; encounterId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; endTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; fightIds?: Maybe<Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>[] | Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>>; filterExpression?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; hostilityType?: Maybe<HostilityType>; killType?: Maybe<KillType>; sourceClass?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; sourceId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; sourceInstanceId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; startTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; targetClass?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; targetId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; targetInstanceId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; translate?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; viewBy?: Maybe<ViewType>; viewOptions?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; wipeCutoff?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }>


GetReportPlayerDetailsQuery: { __typename?: "Query" } & { reportData?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "ReportData" } & { report?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "Report" } & Pick<Report, "code" | "playerDetails">> }> }


GetReportPlayerDetailsQueryVariables: Exact<{ code: Scalars["String"]; difficulty?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; encounterId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; endTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; fightIds?: Maybe<Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>[] | Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>>; killType?: Maybe<KillType>; startTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; translate?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]> }>


GetReportRankedCharactersQuery: { __typename?: "Query" } & { reportData?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "ReportData" } & { report?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "Report" } & Pick<Report, "code"> & { rankedCharacters?: Maybe<Maybe<{ __typename?: "Character" } & MakeOptional<Pick<Character, "id" | "name" | "level" | "classID" | "guildRank" | "hidden" | "gameData">, "gameData"> & { faction: { __typename?: "GameFaction" } & Pick<GameFaction, "id" | "name">; guilds?: Maybe<Maybe<{ __typename?: "Guild" } & Pick<Guild, "id" | "name">>[]>; server?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "Server" } & Pick<Server, "id" | "name"> & { region: { __typename?: "Region" } & Pick<Region, "id" | "name" | "compactName"> }> }>[]> }> }> }


GetReportRankedCharactersQueryVariables: Exact<{ code?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; includeGameData: Scalars["Boolean"]; includeGuilds: Scalars["Boolean"]; includeServer: Scalars["Boolean"] }>


GetReportTableQuery: { __typename?: "Query" } & { reportData?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "ReportData" } & { report?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "Report" } & Pick<Report, "code" | "table">> }> }


GetReportTableQueryVariables: Exact<{ abilityId?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; code: Scalars["String"]; dataType?: Maybe<TableDataType>; death?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; difficulty?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; encounterId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; endTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; fightIds?: Maybe<Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>[] | Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>>; filterExpression?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; hostilityType?: Maybe<HostilityType>; killType?: Maybe<KillType>; sourceClass?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; sourceId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; sourceInstanceId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; startTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; targetClass?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; targetId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; targetInstanceId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; translate?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; viewBy?: Maybe<ViewType>; viewOptions?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; wipeCutoff?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }>


GetUserReportsQuery: { __typename?: "Query" } & { reportData?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "ReportData" } & { reports?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "ReportPagination" } & Pick<ReportPagination, "current_page" | "has_more_pages" | "last_page" | "per_page" | "total" | "from" | "to"> & { data?: Maybe<Maybe<{ __typename?: "Report" } & Pick<Report, "code" | "visibility" | "title" | "startTime" | "endTime" | "revision" | "segments" | "exportedSegments"> & { fights?: Maybe<Maybe<{ __typename?: "ReportFight" } & Pick<ReportFight, "id" | "encounterID" | "name" | "difficulty" | "size" | "startTime" | "endTime" | "fightPercentage" | "bossPercentage" | "lastPhase" | "lastPhaseIsIntermission" | "kill" | "averageItemLevel" | "wipeCalledTime" | "completeRaid" | "keystoneAffixes" | "keystoneBonus" | "keystoneLevel" | "keystoneTime" | "rating" | "layer">>[]>; owner?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "User" } & Pick<User, "id" | "name">>; zone?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "Zone" } & Pick<Zone, "id" | "name">> }>[]> }> }> }


GetUserReportsQueryVariables: Exact<{ endTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; fightsDifficulty?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; fightsEncounterId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; fightsFightIds?: Maybe<Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>[] | Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>>; fightsKillType?: Maybe<KillType>; fightsTranslate?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; includeFights: Scalars["Boolean"]; limit?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; page?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; startTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; userId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; zoneId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }>


GetZonesQuery: { __typename?: "Query" } & { worldData?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "WorldData" } & { zones?: Maybe<Maybe<{ __typename?: "Zone" } & Pick<Zone, "id" | "name" | "frozen"> & { brackets?: Maybe<{ __typename?: "Bracket" } & Pick<Bracket, "type" | "min" | "max" | "bucket">>; difficulties?: Maybe<Maybe<{ __typename?: "Difficulty" } & Pick<Difficulty, "id" | "name" | "sizes">>[]>; encounters?: Maybe<Maybe<{ __typename?: "Encounter" } & Pick<Encounter, "id" | "name">>[]>; expansion: { __typename?: "Expansion" } & Pick<Expansion, "id" | "name"> }>[]> }> }


GetZonesQueryVariables: Exact<{}>


Guild: { __typename?: "Guild"; attendance: GuildAttendancePagination; competitionMode: Scalars["Boolean"]; description: Scalars["String"]; faction: GameFaction; id: Scalars["Int"]; members: CharacterPagination; name: Scalars["String"]; server: Server; stealthMode: Scalars["Boolean"]; tags?: Maybe<Maybe<GuildTag>[]> }

A single guild. Guilds earn their own rankings and contain characters. They may correspond to a guild in-game or be a custom guild created just to hold reports and rankings.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "Guild"
  • attendance: GuildAttendancePagination
  • competitionMode: Scalars["Boolean"]

    Whether or not the guild has competition mode enabled.

  • description: Scalars["String"]

    The description for the guild that is displayed with the guild name on the site.

  • faction: GameFaction

    The faction of the guild.

  • id: Scalars["Int"]

    The ID of the guild.

  • members: CharacterPagination

    The member roster for a specific guild. The result of this query is a paginated list of characters. This query only works for games where the guild roster is verifiable, e.g., it does not work for Classic Warcraft.

  • name: Scalars["String"]

    The name of the guild.

  • server: Server

    The server that the guild belongs to.

  • stealthMode: Scalars["Boolean"]

    Whether or not the guild has stealth mode enabled.

  • Optional tags?: Maybe<Maybe<GuildTag>[]>

    The tags used to label reports. In the site UI, these are called raid teams.


GuildAttendance: { __typename?: "GuildAttendance"; code: Scalars["String"]; players?: Maybe<Maybe<PlayerAttendance>[]>; startTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; zone?: Maybe<Zone> }

Attendance for a specific report within a guild.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "GuildAttendance"
  • code: Scalars["String"]

    The code of the report for the raid night.

  • Optional players?: Maybe<Maybe<PlayerAttendance>[]>

    The players that attended that raid night.

  • Optional startTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>

    The start time of the raid night.

  • Optional zone?: Maybe<Zone>

    The principal zone of the raid night.


GuildAttendanceArgs: { guildTagID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; limit?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; page?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; zoneID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

A single guild. Guilds earn their own rankings and contain characters. They may correspond to a guild in-game or be a custom guild created just to hold reports and rankings.

Type declaration


GuildAttendancePagination: { __typename?: "GuildAttendancePagination"; current_page: Scalars["Int"]; data?: Maybe<Maybe<GuildAttendance>[]>; from?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; has_more_pages: Scalars["Boolean"]; last_page: Scalars["Int"]; per_page: Scalars["Int"]; to?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; total: Scalars["Int"] }

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "GuildAttendancePagination"
  • current_page: Scalars["Int"]

    Current page of the cursor

  • Optional data?: Maybe<Maybe<GuildAttendance>[]>

    List of items on the current page

  • Optional from?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    Number of the first item returned

  • has_more_pages: Scalars["Boolean"]

    Determines if cursor has more pages after the current page

  • last_page: Scalars["Int"]

    The last page (number of pages)

  • per_page: Scalars["Int"]

    Number of items returned per page

  • Optional to?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    Number of the last item returned

  • total: Scalars["Int"]

    Number of total items selected by the query


GuildData: { __typename?: "GuildData"; guild?: Maybe<Guild>; guilds?: Maybe<GuildPagination> }

The GuildData object enables the retrieval of single guilds or filtered collections of guilds.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "GuildData"
  • Optional guild?: Maybe<Guild>

    Obtain a specific guild either by id or by name/serverSlug/serverRegion.

  • Optional guilds?: Maybe<GuildPagination>

    The set of all guilds supported by the site. Can be optionally filtered to a specific server id.


GuildDataGuildArgs: { id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; serverRegion?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; serverSlug?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]> }

The GuildData object enables the retrieval of single guilds or filtered collections of guilds.

Type declaration


GuildDataGuildsArgs: { limit?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; page?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; serverID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; serverRegion?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; serverSlug?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]> }

The GuildData object enables the retrieval of single guilds or filtered collections of guilds.

Type declaration


GuildMembersArgs: { limit?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; page?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

A single guild. Guilds earn their own rankings and contain characters. They may correspond to a guild in-game or be a custom guild created just to hold reports and rankings.

Type declaration


GuildPagination: { __typename?: "GuildPagination"; current_page: Scalars["Int"]; data?: Maybe<Maybe<Guild>[]>; from?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; has_more_pages: Scalars["Boolean"]; last_page: Scalars["Int"]; per_page: Scalars["Int"]; to?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; total: Scalars["Int"] }

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "GuildPagination"
  • current_page: Scalars["Int"]

    Current page of the cursor

  • Optional data?: Maybe<Maybe<Guild>[]>

    List of items on the current page

  • Optional from?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    Number of the first item returned

  • has_more_pages: Scalars["Boolean"]

    Determines if cursor has more pages after the current page

  • last_page: Scalars["Int"]

    The last page (number of pages)

  • per_page: Scalars["Int"]

    Number of items returned per page

  • Optional to?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    Number of the last item returned

  • total: Scalars["Int"]

    Number of total items selected by the query


GuildTag: { __typename?: "GuildTag"; guild: Guild; id: Scalars["Int"]; name: Scalars["String"] }

The tag for a specific guild. Tags can be used to categorize reports within a guild. In the site UI, they are referred to as report tags.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "GuildTag"
  • guild: Guild

    The guild that the tag belongs to.

  • id: Scalars["Int"]

    The ID of the tag.

  • name: Scalars["String"]

    The name of the guild.


MakeMaybe<T, K>: Omit<T, K> & {[ SubKey in K]: Maybe<T[SubKey]> }

Type parameters

  • T

  • K: keyof T


MakeOptional<T, K>: Omit<T, K> & {[ SubKey in K]: Maybe<T[SubKey]> }

Type parameters

  • T

  • K: keyof T


Maybe<T>: T | null

Type parameters

  • T


Partition: { __typename?: "Partition"; compactName: Scalars["String"]; default: Scalars["Boolean"]; id: Scalars["Int"]; name: Scalars["String"] }

A single partition for a given raid zone. Partitions have an integer value representing the actual partition and a localized name that describes what the partition represents. Partitions contain their own rankings, statistics and all stars.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "Partition"
  • compactName: Scalars["String"]

    The compact localized name for the partition. Typically an abbreviation to conserve space.

  • default: Scalars["Boolean"]

    Whether or not the partition is the current default when viewing rankings or statistics for the zone.

  • id: Scalars["Int"]

    An integer representing a specific partition within a zone.

  • name: Scalars["String"]

    The localized name for partition.


PlayerAttendance: { __typename?: "PlayerAttendance"; name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; presence?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; type?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]> }

Attendance for a specific player on a specific raid night.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "PlayerAttendance"
  • Optional name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>

    The name of the player.

  • Optional presence?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    Presence info for the player. A value of 1 means the player was present. A value of 2 indicates present but on the bench.

  • Optional type?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>

    The class of the player.


ProgressRaceData: { __typename?: "ProgressRaceData"; progressRace?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]> }

A way to obtain data for the top guilds involved in an ongoing world first or realm first progress race.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "ProgressRaceData"
  • Optional progressRace?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]>

    Progress race information including best percentages, pull counts and streams for top guilds. This API is only active when there is an ongoing race. The format of this JSON may change without notice and is not considered frozen.


ProgressRaceDataProgressRaceArgs: { difficulty?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; serverRegion?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; serverSlug?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; serverSubregion?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; zoneID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

A way to obtain data for the top guilds involved in an ongoing world first or realm first progress race.

Type declaration


Query: { __typename?: "Query"; characterData?: Maybe<CharacterData>; gameData?: Maybe<GameData>; guildData?: Maybe<GuildData>; progressRaceData?: Maybe<ProgressRaceData>; rateLimitData?: Maybe<RateLimitData>; reportData?: Maybe<ReportData>; userData?: Maybe<UserData>; worldData?: Maybe<WorldData> }

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "Query"
  • Optional characterData?: Maybe<CharacterData>

    Obtain the character data object that allows the retrieval of individual characters or filtered collections of characters.

  • Optional gameData?: Maybe<GameData>

    Obtain the game data object that holds collections of static data such as abilities, achievements, classes, items, NPCs, etc..

  • Optional guildData?: Maybe<GuildData>

    Obtain the guild data object that allows the retrieval of individual guilds or filtered collections of guilds.

  • Optional progressRaceData?: Maybe<ProgressRaceData>

    Obtain information about an ongoing world first or realm first race. Inactive when no race is occurring. This data only updates once every 30 seconds, so you do not need to fetch this information more often than that.

  • Optional rateLimitData?: Maybe<RateLimitData>

    Obtain the rate limit data object to see how many points have been spent by this key.

  • Optional reportData?: Maybe<ReportData>

    Obtain the report data object that allows the retrieval of individual reports or filtered collections of reports by guild or by user.

  • Optional userData?: Maybe<UserData>

    Obtain the user object that allows the retrieval of the authorized user's id and username.

  • Optional worldData?: Maybe<WorldData>

    Obtain the world data object that holds collections of data such as all expansions, regions, subregions, servers, dungeon/raid zones, and encounters.


RateLimitData: { __typename?: "RateLimitData"; limitPerHour: Scalars["Int"]; pointsResetIn: Scalars["Int"]; pointsSpentThisHour: Scalars["Float"] }

A way to obtain your current rate limit usage.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "RateLimitData"
  • limitPerHour: Scalars["Int"]

    The total amount of points this API key can spend per hour.

  • pointsResetIn: Scalars["Int"]

    The number of seconds remaining until the points reset.

  • pointsSpentThisHour: Scalars["Float"]

    The total amount of points spent during this hour.


Region: { __typename?: "Region"; compactName: Scalars["String"]; id: Scalars["Int"]; name: Scalars["String"]; servers?: Maybe<ServerPagination>; slug: Scalars["String"]; subregions?: Maybe<Maybe<Subregion>[]> }

A single region for the game.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "Region"
  • compactName: Scalars["String"]

    The localized compact name of the region, e.g., US for United States.

  • id: Scalars["Int"]

    The ID of the region.

  • name: Scalars["String"]

    The localized name of the region.

  • Optional servers?: Maybe<ServerPagination>

    The servers found within this region.

  • slug: Scalars["String"]

    The slug for the region, usable when looking up characters and guilds by server.

  • Optional subregions?: Maybe<Maybe<Subregion>[]>

    The subregions found within this region.


RegionServersArgs: { limit?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; page?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

A single region for the game.

Type declaration


Report: { __typename?: "Report"; code: Scalars["String"]; endTime: Scalars["Float"]; events?: Maybe<ReportEventPaginator>; exportedSegments: Scalars["Int"]; fights?: Maybe<Maybe<ReportFight>[]>; graph?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]>; guild?: Maybe<Guild>; guildTag?: Maybe<GuildTag>; masterData?: Maybe<ReportMasterData>; owner?: Maybe<User>; playerDetails?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]>; rankedCharacters?: Maybe<Maybe<Character>[]>; rankings?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]>; region?: Maybe<Region>; revision: Scalars["Int"]; segments: Scalars["Int"]; startTime: Scalars["Float"]; table?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]>; title: Scalars["String"]; visibility: Scalars["String"]; zone?: Maybe<Zone> }

A single report uploaded by a player to a guild or personal logs.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "Report"
  • code: Scalars["String"]

    The report code, a unique value used to identify the report.

  • endTime: Scalars["Float"]

    The end time of the report. This is a UNIX timestamp representing the timestamp of the last event contained in the report.

  • Optional events?: Maybe<ReportEventPaginator>

    A set of paginated report events, filterable via arguments like type, source, target, ability, etc. This data is not considered frozen, and it can change without notice. Use at your own risk.

  • exportedSegments: Scalars["Int"]

    The number of exported segments in the report. This is how many segments have been processed for rankings.

  • Optional fights?: Maybe<Maybe<ReportFight>[]>

    A set of fights with details about participating players.

  • Optional graph?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]>

    A graph of information for a report, filterable via arguments like type, source, target, ability, etc. This data is not considered frozen, and it can change without notice. Use at your own risk.

  • Optional guild?: Maybe<Guild>

    The guild that the report belongs to. If this is null, then the report was uploaded to the user's personal logs.

  • Optional guildTag?: Maybe<GuildTag>

    The guild tag that the report belongs to. If this is null, then the report was not tagged.

  • Optional masterData?: Maybe<ReportMasterData>

    Data from the report's master file. This includes version info, all of the players, NPCs and pets that occur in the report, and all the game abilities used in the report.

  • Optional owner?: Maybe<User>

    The user that uploaded the report.

  • Optional playerDetails?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]>

    A table of information for the players of a report, including their specs, talents, gear, etc. This data is not considered frozen, and it can change without notice. Use at your own risk.

  • Optional rankedCharacters?: Maybe<Maybe<Character>[]>

    A list of all characters that ranked on kills in the report.

  • Optional rankings?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]>

    Rankings information for a report, filterable to specific fights, bosses, metrics, etc. This data is not considered frozen, and it can change without notice. Use at your own risk.

  • Optional region?: Maybe<Region>

    The region of the report.

  • revision: Scalars["Int"]

    The revision of the report. This number is increased when reports get re-exported.

  • segments: Scalars["Int"]

    The number of uploaded segments in the report.

  • startTime: Scalars["Float"]

    The start time of the report. This is a UNIX timestamp representing the timestamp of the first event contained in the report.

  • Optional table?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]>

    A table of information for a report, filterable via arguments like type, source, target, ability, etc. This data is not considered frozen, and it can change without notice. Use at your own risk.

  • title: Scalars["String"]

    A title for the report.

  • visibility: Scalars["String"]

    The visibility level of the report. The possible values are 'public', 'private', and 'unlisted'.

  • Optional zone?: Maybe<Zone>

    The principal zone that the report contains fights for. Null if no supported zone exists.


ReportAbility: { __typename?: "ReportAbility"; gameID?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; icon?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; type?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]> }

The ReportAbility represents a single ability that occurs in the report.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "ReportAbility"
  • Optional gameID?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>

    The game ID of the ability.

  • Optional icon?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>

    An icon to use for the ability.

  • Optional name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>

    The name of the actor.

  • Optional type?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>

    The type of the ability. This represents the type of damage (e.g., the spell school in WoW).


ReportActor: { __typename?: "ReportActor"; gameID?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; icon?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; petOwner?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; server?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; subType?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; type?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]> }

The ReportActor represents a single player, pet or NPC that occurs in the report.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "ReportActor"
  • Optional gameID?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>

    The game ID of the actor.

  • Optional icon?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>

    An icon to use for the actor. For pets and NPCs, this will be the icon the site chose to represent that actor.

  • Optional id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    The report ID of the actor. This ID is used in events to identify sources and targets.

  • Optional name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>

    The name of the actor.

  • Optional petOwner?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    The report ID of the actor's owner if the actor is a pet.

  • Optional server?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>

    The normalized server name of the actor.

  • Optional subType?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>

    The sub-type of the actor, for players it's their class, and for NPCs, they are further subdivided into normal NPCs and bosses.

  • Optional type?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>

    The type of the actor, i.e., if it is a player, pet or NPC.


ReportData: { __typename?: "ReportData"; report?: Maybe<Report>; reports?: Maybe<ReportPagination> }

The ReportData object enables the retrieval of single reports or filtered collections of reports.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "ReportData"
  • Optional report?: Maybe<Report>

    Obtain a specific report by its code.

  • Optional reports?: Maybe<ReportPagination>

    A set of reports for a specific guild, guild tag, or user.


ReportDataReportArgs: { code?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]> }

The ReportData object enables the retrieval of single reports or filtered collections of reports.

Type declaration


ReportDataReportsArgs: { endTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; guildID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; guildName?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; guildServerRegion?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; guildServerSlug?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; guildTagID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; limit?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; page?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; startTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; userID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; zoneID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The ReportData object enables the retrieval of single reports or filtered collections of reports.

Type declaration


ReportDungeonPull: { __typename?: "ReportDungeonPull"; boundingBox?: Maybe<ReportMapBoundingBox>; encounterID: Scalars["Int"]; endTime: Scalars["Float"]; enemyNPCs?: Maybe<Maybe<ReportDungeonPullNpc>[]>; id: Scalars["Int"]; kill?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; maps?: Maybe<Maybe<ReportMap>[]>; name: Scalars["String"]; startTime: Scalars["Float"]; x: Scalars["Int"]; y: Scalars["Int"] }

The ReportDungeonPull represents a single pull that occurs in a containing dungeon.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "ReportDungeonPull"
  • Optional boundingBox?: Maybe<ReportMapBoundingBox>

    The bounding box that encloses the positions of all players/enemies in the fight.

  • encounterID: Scalars["Int"]

    The encounter ID of the fight. If the ID is 0, the fight is considered a trash fight.

  • endTime: Scalars["Float"]

    The end time of the fight. This is a timestamp with millisecond precision that is relative to the start of the report, i.e., the start of the report is considered time 0.

  • Optional enemyNPCs?: Maybe<Maybe<ReportDungeonPullNpc>[]>

    Information about enemies involved in the fight. Includes report IDs, instance counts, and instance group counts for each NPC.

  • id: Scalars["Int"]

    The report ID of the fight. This ID can be used to fetch only events, tables or graphs for this fight.

  • Optional kill?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>

    Whether or not the fight was a boss kill, i.e., successful. If this field is false, it means the fight was an incomplete run, etc..

  • Optional maps?: Maybe<Maybe<ReportMap>[]>

    All the maps that were involved in a pull.

  • name: Scalars["String"]

    The name of the fight.

  • startTime: Scalars["Float"]

    The start time of the fight. This is a timestamp with millisecond precision that is relative to the start of the report, i.e., the start of the report is considered time 0.

  • x: Scalars["Int"]

    The x position of the first mob damaged in the pull at the time this damage happens. Used to establish a marker position to represent where the pull took place.

  • y: Scalars["Int"]

    The y position of the first mob damaged in the pull at the time this damage happens. Used to establish a marker position to represent where the pull took place.


ReportDungeonPullNpc: { __typename?: "ReportDungeonPullNPC"; gameID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; maximumInstanceGroupID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; maximumInstanceID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; minimumInstanceGroupID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; minimumInstanceID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The ReportDungeonPullNPC represents participation info within a single dungeon pull for an NPC.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "ReportDungeonPullNPC"
  • Optional gameID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    The game ID of the actor, e.g., so it can be looked up on external Web sites.

  • Optional id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    The report ID of the actor. This ID is used in events to identify sources and targets.

  • Optional maximumInstanceGroupID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    The highest instance group ID seen during the pull.

  • Optional maximumInstanceID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    The highest instance ID seen during the pull.

  • Optional minimumInstanceGroupID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    The lowest instance group ID seen during the pull.

  • Optional minimumInstanceID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    The lowest instance ID seen during the pull.


ReportEventPaginator: { __typename?: "ReportEventPaginator"; data?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]>; nextPageTimestamp?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]> }

The ReportEventPaginator represents a paginated list of report events.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "ReportEventPaginator"
  • Optional data?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]>

    The list of events obtained.

  • Optional nextPageTimestamp?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>

    A timestamp to pass in as the start time when fetching the next page of data.


ReportEventsArgs: { abilityID?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; dataType?: Maybe<EventDataType>; death?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; difficulty?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; encounterID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; endTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; fightIDs?: Maybe<Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>[]>; filterExpression?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; hostilityType?: Maybe<HostilityType>; includeResources?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; killType?: Maybe<KillType>; limit?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; sourceClass?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; sourceID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; sourceInstanceID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; startTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; targetClass?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; targetID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; targetInstanceID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; translate?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; useAbilityIDs?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; useActorIDs?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; viewOptions?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; wipeCutoff?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

A single report uploaded by a player to a guild or personal logs.

Type declaration


ReportFight: { __typename?: "ReportFight"; averageItemLevel?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; bossPercentage?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; boundingBox?: Maybe<ReportMapBoundingBox>; classicSeasonID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; completeRaid: Scalars["Boolean"]; difficulty?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; dungeonPulls?: Maybe<Maybe<ReportDungeonPull>[]>; encounterID: Scalars["Int"]; endTime: Scalars["Float"]; enemyNPCs?: Maybe<Maybe<ReportFightNpc>[]>; enemyPets?: Maybe<Maybe<ReportFightNpc>[]>; enemyPlayers?: Maybe<Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>[]>; fightPercentage?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; friendlyNPCs?: Maybe<Maybe<ReportFightNpc>[]>; friendlyPets?: Maybe<Maybe<ReportFightNpc>[]>; friendlyPlayers?: Maybe<Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>[]>; gameZone?: Maybe<GameZone>; id: Scalars["Int"]; keystoneAffixes?: Maybe<Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>[]>; keystoneBonus?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; keystoneLevel?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; keystoneTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; kill?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; lastPhase?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; lastPhaseIsIntermission?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; layer?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; maps?: Maybe<Maybe<ReportMap>[]>; name: Scalars["String"]; rating?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; size?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; startTime: Scalars["Float"]; wipeCalledTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]> }

The ReportFight represents a single fight that occurs in the report.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "ReportFight"
  • Optional averageItemLevel?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>

    The average item level of the players in the fight.

  • Optional bossPercentage?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>

    The percentage health of the active boss or bosses at the end of a fight.

  • Optional boundingBox?: Maybe<ReportMapBoundingBox>

    The bounding box that encloses the positions of all players/enemies in the fight.

  • Optional classicSeasonID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    The season ID of a Classic fight. Will only be nonzero for Season of Mastery in Vanilla for now.

  • completeRaid: Scalars["Boolean"]

    Whether or not a fight represents an entire raid from start to finish, e.g., in Classic WoW a complete run of Blackwing Lair.

  • Optional difficulty?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    The difficulty setting for the raid, dungeon, or arena. Null for trash.

  • Optional dungeonPulls?: Maybe<Maybe<ReportDungeonPull>[]>

    For a dungeon, a list of pulls that occurred in the dungeon. Pulls have details such as the enemies involved in the pull and map info showing where the pull took place.

  • encounterID: Scalars["Int"]

    The encounter ID of the fight. If the ID is 0, the fight is considered a trash fight.

  • endTime: Scalars["Float"]

    The end time of the fight. This is a timestamp with millisecond precision that is relative to the start of the report, i.e., the start of the report is considered time 0.

  • Optional enemyNPCs?: Maybe<Maybe<ReportFightNpc>[]>

    Information about enemy NPCs involved in the fight. Includes report IDs, instance counts, and instance group counts for each NPC.

  • Optional enemyPets?: Maybe<Maybe<ReportFightNpc>[]>

    Information about enemy pets involved in the fight. Includes report IDs, instance counts, and instance group counts for each pet.

  • Optional enemyPlayers?: Maybe<Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>[]>

    The IDs of all players involved in a fight. These players can be referenced in the master data actors table to get detailed information about each participant.

  • Optional fightPercentage?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>

    The actual completion percentage of the fight. This is the field used to indicate how far into a fight a wipe was, since fights can be complicated and have multiple bosses, no bosses, bosses that heal, etc.

  • Optional friendlyNPCs?: Maybe<Maybe<ReportFightNpc>[]>

    Information about friendly NPCs involved in the fight. Includes report IDs, instance counts, and instance group counts for each NPC.

  • Optional friendlyPets?: Maybe<Maybe<ReportFightNpc>[]>

    Information about friendly pets involved in the fight. Includes report IDs, instance counts, and instance group counts for each pet.

  • Optional friendlyPlayers?: Maybe<Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>[]>

    The IDs of all players involved in a fight. These players can be referenced in the master data actors table to get detailed information about each participant.

  • Optional gameZone?: Maybe<GameZone>

    The game zone the fight takes place in. This should not be confused with the zones used by the sites for rankings. This is the actual in-game zone info.

  • id: Scalars["Int"]

    The report ID of the fight. This ID can be used to fetch only events, tables or graphs for this fight.

  • Optional keystoneAffixes?: Maybe<Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>[]>

    The affixes for a Mythic+ dungeon.

  • Optional keystoneBonus?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    The bonus field represents Bronze, Silver or Gold in Challenge Modes, or +1-+3 pushing of Mythic+ keys. It has the values 1, 2, and 3.

  • Optional keystoneLevel?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    The keystone level for a Mythic+ dungeon.

  • Optional keystoneTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    The completion time for a Challenge Mode or Mythic+ Dungeon. This is the official time used on Blizzard leaderboards.

  • Optional kill?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>

    Whether or not the fight was a boss kill, i.e., successful. If this field is false, it means the fight was an incomplete run, etc..

  • Optional lastPhase?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    The phase that the encounter was in when the fight ended.

  • Optional lastPhaseIsIntermission?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>

    Whether or not the phase that the encounter was in when the fight ended was an intermission or not.

  • Optional layer?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    The layer of a Torghast run.

  • Optional maps?: Maybe<Maybe<ReportMap>[]>

    All the maps that were involved in a fight. For single bosses this will usually be a single map, but for dungeons it will typically be multiple maps.

  • name: Scalars["String"]

    The name of the fight.

  • Optional rating?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    The official Blizzard rating for a completed Mythic+ dungeon or Torghast run.

  • Optional size?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    The group size for the raid, dungeon, or arena. Null for trash.

  • startTime: Scalars["Float"]

    The start time of the fight. This is a timestamp with millisecond precision that is relative to the start of the report, i.e., the start of the report is considered time 0.

  • Optional wipeCalledTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>

    If a wipe was explicitly called using the Companion app, then this field will contain the time. This is a timestamp with millisecond precision that is relative to the start of the report, i.e., the start of the report is considered time 0.


ReportFightNpc: { __typename?: "ReportFightNPC"; gameID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; groupCount?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; instanceCount?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; petOwner?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The ReportFightNPC represents participation info within a single fight for an NPC.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "ReportFightNPC"
  • Optional gameID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    The game ID of the actor. This ID is used in events to identify sources and targets.

  • Optional groupCount?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    How many packs of the NPC were seen during the fight.

  • Optional id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    The report ID of the actor. This ID is used in events to identify sources and targets.

  • Optional instanceCount?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    How many instances of the NPC were seen during the fight.

  • Optional petOwner?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    The report ID of the actor that owns this NPC (if it is a pet). This ID is used in events to identify sources and targets.


ReportFightsArgs: { difficulty?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; encounterID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; fightIDs?: Maybe<Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>[]>; killType?: Maybe<KillType>; translate?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]> }

A single report uploaded by a player to a guild or personal logs.

Type declaration


ReportGraphArgs: { abilityID?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; dataType?: Maybe<GraphDataType>; death?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; difficulty?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; encounterID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; endTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; fightIDs?: Maybe<Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>[]>; filterExpression?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; hostilityType?: Maybe<HostilityType>; killType?: Maybe<KillType>; sourceClass?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; sourceID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; sourceInstanceID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; startTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; targetClass?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; targetID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; targetInstanceID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; translate?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; viewBy?: Maybe<ViewType>; viewOptions?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; wipeCutoff?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

A single report uploaded by a player to a guild or personal logs.

Type declaration


ReportMap: { __typename?: "ReportMap"; id: Scalars["Int"] }

The ReportMap represents a single map that a fight can occur on.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "ReportMap"
  • id: Scalars["Int"]

    The map's game ID.


ReportMapBoundingBox: { __typename?: "ReportMapBoundingBox"; maxX: Scalars["Int"]; maxY: Scalars["Int"]; minX: Scalars["Int"]; minY: Scalars["Int"] }

The ReportMapBoundingBox is a box that encloses the positions of all players and enemies in a fight or dungeon pull.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "ReportMapBoundingBox"
  • maxX: Scalars["Int"]

    The largest X position.

  • maxY: Scalars["Int"]

    The largest Y position.

  • minX: Scalars["Int"]

    The smallest X position.

  • minY: Scalars["Int"]

    The smallest Y position.


ReportMasterData: { __typename?: "ReportMasterData"; abilities?: Maybe<Maybe<ReportAbility>[]>; actors?: Maybe<Maybe<ReportActor>[]>; gameVersion?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; lang?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; logVersion: Scalars["Int"] }

The ReporMastertData object contains information about the log version of a report, as well as the actors and abilities used in the report.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "ReportMasterData"
  • Optional abilities?: Maybe<Maybe<ReportAbility>[]>

    A list of every ability that occurs in the report.

  • Optional actors?: Maybe<Maybe<ReportActor>[]>

    A list of every actor (player, NPC, pet) that occurs in the report.

  • Optional gameVersion?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    The version of the game that generated the log file. Used to distinguish Classic and Retail Warcraft primarily.

  • Optional lang?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>

    The auto-detected locale of the report. This is the source language of the original log file.

  • logVersion: Scalars["Int"]

    The version of the client parser that was used to parse and upload this log file.


ReportMasterDataActorsArgs: { subType?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; type?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]> }

The ReporMastertData object contains information about the log version of a report, as well as the actors and abilities used in the report.

Type declaration


ReportMasterDataArgs: { translate?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]> }

A single report uploaded by a player to a guild or personal logs.

Type declaration


ReportPagination: { __typename?: "ReportPagination"; current_page: Scalars["Int"]; data?: Maybe<Maybe<Report>[]>; from?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; has_more_pages: Scalars["Boolean"]; last_page: Scalars["Int"]; per_page: Scalars["Int"]; to?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; total: Scalars["Int"] }

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "ReportPagination"
  • current_page: Scalars["Int"]

    Current page of the cursor

  • Optional data?: Maybe<Maybe<Report>[]>

    List of items on the current page

  • Optional from?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    Number of the first item returned

  • has_more_pages: Scalars["Boolean"]

    Determines if cursor has more pages after the current page

  • last_page: Scalars["Int"]

    The last page (number of pages)

  • per_page: Scalars["Int"]

    Number of items returned per page

  • Optional to?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    Number of the last item returned

  • total: Scalars["Int"]

    Number of total items selected by the query


ReportPlayerDetailsArgs: { difficulty?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; encounterID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; endTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; fightIDs?: Maybe<Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>[]>; killType?: Maybe<KillType>; startTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; translate?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]> }

A single report uploaded by a player to a guild or personal logs.

Type declaration


ReportRankingsArgs: { compare?: Maybe<RankingCompareType>; difficulty?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; encounterID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; fightIDs?: Maybe<Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>[]>; playerMetric?: Maybe<ReportRankingMetricType>; timeframe?: Maybe<RankingTimeframeType> }

A single report uploaded by a player to a guild or personal logs.

Type declaration


ReportTableArgs: { abilityID?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; dataType?: Maybe<TableDataType>; death?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; difficulty?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; encounterID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; endTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; fightIDs?: Maybe<Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>[]>; filterExpression?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; hostilityType?: Maybe<HostilityType>; killType?: Maybe<KillType>; sourceClass?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; sourceID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; sourceInstanceID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; startTime?: Maybe<Scalars["Float"]>; targetClass?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; targetID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; targetInstanceID?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; translate?: Maybe<Scalars["Boolean"]>; viewBy?: Maybe<ViewType>; viewOptions?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; wipeCutoff?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

A single report uploaded by a player to a guild or personal logs.

Type declaration


Scalars: { Boolean: boolean; Float: number; ID: string; Int: number; JSON: any; String: string }

All built-in and custom scalars, mapped to their actual values

Type declaration

  • Boolean: boolean
  • Float: number
  • ID: string
  • Int: number
  • JSON: any
  • String: string


Sdk: ReturnType<typeof getSdk>


SdkFunctionWrapper: <T>(action: () => Promise<T>) => Promise<T>

Type declaration

    • <T>(action: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T>
    • Type parameters

      • T


      • action: () => Promise<T>
          • (): Promise<T>
          • Returns Promise<T>

      Returns Promise<T>


Server: { __typename?: "Server"; guilds?: Maybe<GuildPagination>; id: Scalars["Int"]; name: Scalars["String"]; normalizedName: Scalars["String"]; region: Region; slug: Scalars["String"]; subregion: Subregion }

A single server. Servers correspond to actual game servers that characters and guilds reside on.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "Server"
  • Optional guilds?: Maybe<GuildPagination>

    The guilds found on this server (and any servers connected to this one.

  • id: Scalars["Int"]

    The ID of the server.

  • name: Scalars["String"]

    The name of the server in the locale of the subregion that the server belongs to.

  • normalizedName: Scalars["String"]

    The normalized name is a transformation of the name, dropping spaces. It is how the server appears in a World of Warcraft log file.

  • region: Region

    The region that this server belongs to.

  • slug: Scalars["String"]

    The server slug, also a transformation of the name following Blizzard rules. For retail World of Warcraft realms, this slug will be in English. For all other games, the slug is just a transformation of the name field.

  • subregion: Subregion

    The subregion that this server belongs to.


ServerGuildsArgs: { limit?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; page?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

A single server. Servers correspond to actual game servers that characters and guilds reside on.

Type declaration


ServerPagination: { __typename?: "ServerPagination"; current_page: Scalars["Int"]; data?: Maybe<Maybe<Server>[]>; from?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; has_more_pages: Scalars["Boolean"]; last_page: Scalars["Int"]; per_page: Scalars["Int"]; to?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; total: Scalars["Int"] }

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "ServerPagination"
  • current_page: Scalars["Int"]

    Current page of the cursor

  • Optional data?: Maybe<Maybe<Server>[]>

    List of items on the current page

  • Optional from?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    Number of the first item returned

  • has_more_pages: Scalars["Boolean"]

    Determines if cursor has more pages after the current page

  • last_page: Scalars["Int"]

    The last page (number of pages)

  • per_page: Scalars["Int"]

    Number of items returned per page

  • Optional to?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>

    Number of the last item returned

  • total: Scalars["Int"]

    Number of total items selected by the query


Spec: { __typename?: "Spec"; class: GameClass; id: Scalars["Int"]; name: Scalars["String"]; slug: Scalars["String"] }

A spec for a given player class.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "Spec"
  • class: GameClass

    The player class that the spec belongs to.

  • id: Scalars["Int"]

    An integer used to identify the spec.

  • name: Scalars["String"]

    The localized name of the class.

  • slug: Scalars["String"]

    A slug used to identify the spec.


Subregion: { __typename?: "Subregion"; id: Scalars["Int"]; name: Scalars["String"]; region: Region; servers?: Maybe<ServerPagination> }

A single subregion. Subregions are used to divide a region into sub-categories, such as French or German subregions of a Europe region.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "Subregion"
  • id: Scalars["Int"]

    The ID of the subregion.

  • name: Scalars["String"]

    The localized name of the subregion.

  • region: Region

    The region that this subregion is found in.

  • Optional servers?: Maybe<ServerPagination>

    The servers found within this region.


SubregionServersArgs: { limit?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; page?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

A single subregion. Subregions are used to divide a region into sub-categories, such as French or German subregions of a Europe region.

Type declaration


User: { __typename?: "User"; battleTag?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; id: Scalars["Int"]; name: Scalars["String"] }

A single user of the site.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "User"
  • Optional battleTag?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>

    The battle tag of the user if they have linked it.

  • id: Scalars["Int"]

    The ID of the user.

  • name: Scalars["String"]

    The name of the user.


UserData: { __typename?: "UserData"; currentUser?: Maybe<User>; user?: Maybe<User> }

The user data object contains basic information about users and lets you retrieve specific users (or the current user if using the user endpoint).

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "UserData"
  • Optional currentUser?: Maybe<User>

    Obtain the current user (only works with user endpoint).

  • Optional user?: Maybe<User>

    Obtain a specific user by id.


UserDataUserArgs: { id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The user data object contains basic information about users and lets you retrieve specific users (or the current user if using the user endpoint).

Type declaration


ViewModels: { __typename?: "ViewModels"; article?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]>; articleCategories?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]>; articleSlugs?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]>; game?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]>; googleAnalytics?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]>; headerTitle?: Maybe<Scalars["JSON"]> }

Type declaration


ViewModelsArticleArgs: { articleCategorySlug?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; articleSlug?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; siteName?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]> }

Type declaration


ViewModelsArticleSlugsArgs: { articleCategorySlug?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; siteName?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]> }

Type declaration


WorldData: { __typename?: "WorldData"; encounter?: Maybe<Encounter>; expansion?: Maybe<Expansion>; expansions?: Maybe<Maybe<Expansion>[]>; region?: Maybe<Region>; regions?: Maybe<Maybe<Region>[]>; server?: Maybe<Server>; subregion?: Maybe<Subregion>; zone?: Maybe<Zone>; zones?: Maybe<Maybe<Zone>[]> }

The world data object contains collections of data such as expansions, zones, encounters, regions, subregions, etc.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "WorldData"
  • Optional encounter?: Maybe<Encounter>

    Obtain a specific encounter by id.

  • Optional expansion?: Maybe<Expansion>

    A single expansion obtained by ID.

  • Optional expansions?: Maybe<Maybe<Expansion>[]>

    The set of all expansions supported by the site.

  • Optional region?: Maybe<Region>

    Obtain a specific region by its ID.

  • Optional regions?: Maybe<Maybe<Region>[]>

    The set of all regions supported by the site.

  • Optional server?: Maybe<Server>

    Obtain a specific server either by id or by slug and region.

  • Optional subregion?: Maybe<Subregion>

    Obtain a specific subregion by its ID.

  • Optional zone?: Maybe<Zone>

    Obtain a specific zone by its ID.

  • Optional zones?: Maybe<Maybe<Zone>[]>

    Obtain a set of all zones supported by the site.


WorldDataEncounterArgs: { id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The world data object contains collections of data such as expansions, zones, encounters, regions, subregions, etc.

Type declaration


WorldDataExpansionArgs: { id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The world data object contains collections of data such as expansions, zones, encounters, regions, subregions, etc.

Type declaration


WorldDataRegionArgs: { id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The world data object contains collections of data such as expansions, zones, encounters, regions, subregions, etc.

Type declaration


WorldDataServerArgs: { id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>; region?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>; slug?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]> }

The world data object contains collections of data such as expansions, zones, encounters, regions, subregions, etc.

Type declaration


WorldDataSubregionArgs: { id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The world data object contains collections of data such as expansions, zones, encounters, regions, subregions, etc.

Type declaration


WorldDataZoneArgs: { id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The world data object contains collections of data such as expansions, zones, encounters, regions, subregions, etc.

Type declaration


WorldDataZonesArgs: { expansion_id?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]> }

The world data object contains collections of data such as expansions, zones, encounters, regions, subregions, etc.

Type declaration


Zone: { __typename?: "Zone"; brackets?: Maybe<Bracket>; difficulties?: Maybe<Maybe<Difficulty>[]>; encounters?: Maybe<Maybe<Encounter>[]>; expansion: Expansion; frozen: Scalars["Boolean"]; id: Scalars["Int"]; name: Scalars["String"]; partitions?: Maybe<Maybe<Partition>[]> }

A single zone from an expansion that represents a raid, dungeon, arena, etc.

Type declaration

  • Optional __typename?: "Zone"
  • Optional brackets?: Maybe<Bracket>

    The bracket information for this zone. This field will be null if the zone does not support brackets.

  • Optional difficulties?: Maybe<Maybe<Difficulty>[]>

    A list of all the difficulties supported for this zone.

  • Optional encounters?: Maybe<Maybe<Encounter>[]>

    The encounters found within this zone.

  • expansion: Expansion

    The expansion that this zone belongs to.

  • frozen: Scalars["Boolean"]

    Whether or not the entire zone (including all its partitions) is permanently frozen. When a zone is frozen, data involving that zone will never change and can be cached forever.

  • id: Scalars["Int"]

    The ID of the zone.

  • name: Scalars["String"]

    The name of the zone.

  • Optional partitions?: Maybe<Maybe<Partition>[]>

    A list of all the partitions supported for this zone.


Const GetAbilityDocument

GetAbilityDocument: DocumentNode = ...

Const GetAchievementDocument

GetAchievementDocument: DocumentNode = ...

Const GetAffixesDocument

GetAffixesDocument: DocumentNode = ...

Const GetCharacterDocument

GetCharacterDocument: DocumentNode = ...

Const GetCharacterEncounterRankingsDocument

GetCharacterEncounterRankingsDocument: DocumentNode = ...

Const GetCharacterZoneRankingsDocument

GetCharacterZoneRankingsDocument: DocumentNode = ...

Const GetClassesDocument

GetClassesDocument: DocumentNode = ...

Const GetEnchantDocument

GetEnchantDocument: DocumentNode = ...

Const GetEncounterCharacterRankingsDocument

GetEncounterCharacterRankingsDocument: DocumentNode = ...

Const GetEncounterFightRankingsDocument

GetEncounterFightRankingsDocument: DocumentNode = ...

Const GetFactionsDocument

GetFactionsDocument: DocumentNode = ...

Const GetGuildDocument

GetGuildDocument: DocumentNode = ...

Const GetGuildReportsDocument

GetGuildReportsDocument: DocumentNode = ...

Const GetItemDocument

GetItemDocument: DocumentNode = ...

Const GetNpcDocument

GetNpcDocument: DocumentNode = ...

Const GetProgressRaceDocument

GetProgressRaceDocument: DocumentNode = ...

Const GetRateLimitDocument

GetRateLimitDocument: DocumentNode = ...

Const GetReportEventsDocument

GetReportEventsDocument: DocumentNode = ...

Const GetReportFightsDocument

GetReportFightsDocument: DocumentNode = ...

Const GetReportGraphDocument

GetReportGraphDocument: DocumentNode = ...

Const GetReportPlayerDetailsDocument

GetReportPlayerDetailsDocument: DocumentNode = ...

Const GetReportRankedCharactersDocument

GetReportRankedCharactersDocument: DocumentNode = ...

Const GetReportTableDocument

GetReportTableDocument: DocumentNode = ...

Const GetUserReportsDocument

GetUserReportsDocument: DocumentNode = ...

Const GetZonesDocument

GetZonesDocument: DocumentNode = ...


Const buildSdk

  • buildSdk(accessToken: string, game?: string): { getAbility: any; getAchievement: any; getAffixes: any; getCharacter: any; getCharacterEncounterRankings: any; getCharacterZoneRankings: any; getClasses: any; getEnchant: any; getEncounterCharacterRankings: any; getEncounterFightRankings: any; getFactions: any; getGuild: any; getGuildReports: any; getItem: any; getNpc: any; getProgressRace: any; getRateLimit: any; getReportEvents: any; getReportFights: any; getReportGraph: any; getReportPlayerDetails: any; getReportRankedCharacters: any; getReportTable: any; getUserReports: any; getZones: any }


  • getSdk(client: GraphQLClient, withWrapper?: SdkFunctionWrapper): { getAbility: any; getAchievement: any; getAffixes: any; getCharacter: any; getCharacterEncounterRankings: any; getCharacterZoneRankings: any; getClasses: any; getEnchant: any; getEncounterCharacterRankings: any; getEncounterFightRankings: any; getFactions: any; getGuild: any; getGuildReports: any; getItem: any; getNpc: any; getProgressRace: any; getRateLimit: any; getReportEvents: any; getReportFights: any; getReportGraph: any; getReportPlayerDetails: any; getReportRankedCharacters: any; getReportTable: any; getUserReports: any; getZones: any }

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